Lincoln Public Schools Stats
Cities our size typically have more than one school district. Lincoln is unique.
Lincoln also has exceptional public schools. But our work, when it comes to education, is never done. We should always be striving for more for all of Lincoln’s kids.
To understand why the Foundation exists it is helpful to know the sheer size of Lincoln Public Schools and some of the metrics schools use to evaluate our strength and effectiveness.
Resources for Additional Education Stats
While tax dollars cover the basic costs of our public schools, there still are unmet needs. That’s where we come in. The Foundation raises funds for opportunities above and beyond what is budgeted. We fund a wide range of projects and needs that enrich the learning happening at LPS, everything from funding field trips to helping families in crisis, and so much more.
The AQuESTT system was developed to represent multiple data sources and indicators of student achievement. Every school in the state is different. Having multiple indicators allows schools to strategically focus their attention and resources for improvement.
Additional statistics and data collected by LPS can be found here.